Sunday 17 July 2011

She's OFF!

Never let it be said that my Hubby doesn't strike while the iron is hot - scolding in fact! Only a few days ago Max and Millie were being assessed by Ali from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home and it was mentioned, only mentioned that Millie might well be ALMOST ready to be let off the lead. Not one to hang around, Mr. McEllis informed me on Thursday evening that he had taken the dogs out and had let Millie off the lead. Completely off. To wander as she saw fit. No lead whatsoever!

I smell FREEDOM!

On Friday I took them out as Hubby was working late, however I did not (and still don't!) have the confidence to let Millie off and so we concentrated on honing our 'on the lead training', or at least that's what I told 'him indoors'!!! I was informed on Friday evening that the dogs would be let off the lead on Saturday morning's walk and that I should try and keep my mouth shut (fat chance!) and watch.......

Here she comes!!!!!!! 

As you can well imagine, my mouth was not shut for long, it's an alien concept to me and one, I fear, that will remain with me for life. I fed back my 'constructive' criticism to my Husband, seeing how I was not all that happy about not being able to see Millie 100% of the my opinion she has no concept whatsoever of how far is too far from us and I am not at all comfortable with that.....but my Husband is!


My other 'concern' is Millie hearing me......she doesn't. As I've mentioned countless times before, Millie-Moo McPudling is absolutely devoted to Dad No. 1, completely and utterly and it is rare that she will ever hear me or take much in the way of notice of me, unless of course I have a fistful of food for her! There is an Alpha Male in every pack and Millie recognises John as the Alpha, I am nothing more than another pack member, no one particularly important and certainly not one that needs paying any attention (the Hubby disagrees with me of course!).

Deserving praise indeed!

I realise that the more we let her off, the less she is going to want to go a huge distance away from us, it's a test for her as much as it is for us/me. I also realise that the more we let her off, the easier on my heart and mind the experience will become, although Millie is having much more fun than I am, I can very much assure you! You can also bet your bottom dollar that a few weeks/months down the line I will no doubt be saying that my Husband was right all along and did the right thing......but at the moment I am a very long way from saying it!

Eyeing up her new found freedom!

This chapter's music is obviously inspired by Millie's new-found goes without saying that 'The Bitch Is Back!'

P.S. Max is, as ever, as mad as a box of frogs!

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