Tuesday 12 July 2011

Boot Camp

Apart from Max & Millie being the perfect little dogs that they are, there are two things that I would like to accomplish with them. One is that Millie be 'cured' of her über excitement when she sees other dogs and ceases to be the Howling Hound from Hell on the end of her lead that she currently is. The other, and much more fun thing, is that I'd rather like to do agility with Maximillian seeing how he has so much energy and is always on the go (and I secretly have an urge to appear on Crufts!).............Today, courtesy of Aunty Kay, the torch for both of these dreams has well and truly been lit.

Aunty Kay (Yes, she's drinking by the bottle now!)

This afternoon, Millicent Hermione Oprah McEllis stepped on to the first hurdle of training and met Ali, a lady from Battersea Dogs Home who knows a thing or two about naughty puppies and their not so well trained owners (me!). I have to admit, it did not get off to a wonderful start as Ali wanted to put a muzzle on Millie and I was having none of it....Ali was not best impressed with me. However, in the end I did see reason and understood why and so it went on....until Millie made damn sure that it came off again straight away (That's my girl!).

Exhibit A - Kay muzzling Millie!!!!!

Ali and I had a good long chat, we talked about Millie at home and out at the park, we encountered other dogs with Millie and Ali talked me through the why's and how's of Millie's "condition" and how I could put steps/commands etc in place to minimise the excitement that Millie goes through each and every day. I have to say that Millie was brilliant for the entire 2 hours that we were there, she did very well indeed! We ended her 'session' with a bit of agility......(please ignore the big gayer and focus on the dog!).

Go Team Millie!

What did take me by surprise (which it really should not have done!!!) is just how naughty Maximillian Sydney Bruiser McEllis is.....He. Is. A. Little. Shit. ! ! ! While Ali and I were dealing with Millie, Max was displaying similar, if not the very same symptoms as Millie, only he's more subtle unless it's pointed out to you and to be brutally frank, I really don't notice it.....blinkered vision?!?!?! He's also something of a Daddy's Boy (you don't say?!?!?!) and whenever I left him to go off with Millie and get my/her training he would cry and whimper and generally be a noisy, spoilt little brat.....

Call me Dr. Frankenstein - I have created a monster!

Go Team Max!

It was, all in all, a hugely enjoyable afternoon in Mountsfield Park in Catford with the ladies from Battersea Dogs Home and Aunty Kay. Max and Millie have never been surrounded by so many other dogs and they, I am sure, had as good a time as I did. I learnt some valuable lessons today (so did Millie!) and I will do my best to ensure that they are worked upon with both Millie AND Max! Ali also thinks that once we get this training thing out of the way with Millie and she's absolutely nailed it, she doesn't see why we wouldn't be able to let her off the lead in the future.....YAY!

Yes Max, you should look worried!!!

Finally, to 'Aunty' Kay, from me, Max and Millie, a puppy-sized thank you for getting us started.....Agility classes here we come! (I wonder if I should buy a shell suit?!?!?!?!).....
This week's music is my current favourite track from Monarchy, who's debut album "Around The Sun" is out now.

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