Wednesday 13 April 2011

Spring is Springing

Hasn't this recent sunny weather been absolutely glorious?! It's truly lovely to step out into the garden, particularly when getting home from work, to check out all the growth that is shooting up day by day, watch the hens scratching about for morsels of tastiness while the puppies leap and bounce about the place like ferocious, beastly, spring lambs. I do like a bit of Spring and Spring 2011 is just gorgeous....

Ferocious, beastly, Spring lambs!

The weather has been so good that we decided to take The Girls' winter housing down so that they are out all day while we are at work and they have their portion of the garden and deck in which to potter, scratch, bathe and generally have quite a fabulous life really....oh to be a chicken in Devonshire Road!!!

We appear to be missing a house!!!

The entire process of dismantling the chicken run from start to finish was an hour or so with the Hubby faffing here, faffing there, faffing everywhere. The Girls knew what was going on, Harriet and Ruby definitely know the score and are more than used to this annual ritual, showing little interest in the Hubby until he had finished. Tallulah and Nigella seemed to keep out of harms way until it was all done and they could enjoy the rest of their day uninterrupted.

The Girls are out!

While all of this was going on, Maximillian and Millie were in the garden, sunning themselves or, in Maximillian's case, running around like a bloody lunatic! If he wasn't killing Space Hopper he was flinging himself about trying to catch his Frisbee (not that he's very good at it and most of the time it was hanging around his neck!)...

Space Hopper and Space Cadet!

Millie is most definitely a sun dog, she absolutely, positively loves it. She finds the sunniest spot in the garden, normally in front of the Tree Ferns, she flops down on her bed, gets nice and comfortable and slowly, gently cooks.....and she does it looking absolutely beautiful....because she is!

Millie at Gas Mark 6 ! !

Weekends mean that, as well as pottering in the garden, up the allotment or in the home doing chores, the dogs get to come down to the bedroom first thing in the morning for cuddles and love while us 'Dads' wake up. The dining room door opens and the clatter of 8 little legs gets louder and louder as they near the bedroom before launching themselves on to the bed and then promptly, quickly getting comfy and having a nap with us....Millie with Himself and Maximillian with me... *bliss*

A 'gentle' wake up from M&M ! ! !

Alas, the weather has turned cooler and with it my Fella has got himself a throat infection and a cold and is not well, bless him. He's supping Honey & Lemon Cold/Flu, isn't sleeping particularly well and doesn't look his best to be honest. Send him lots of 'get well' love and hugs.....he's a poorly chap.

Enjoying a Mango Margarita before illness struck!

This weekend we take Millie back to the vet for her ongoing Puppy Passport requirements....only 5 months to go and it's all done. At Easter we're taking the Puppies to Cornwall to visit the God Kids, then to Somerset to visit Grandma Celia. The 'Royal Wedding Weekend' sees us in Cheshire visiting Nana Joyce's's all go, go, go! ! !

Spring has sprung!

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