Sunday 3 April 2011

Bonjour Mon Petit Chou-Fleurs!

Spring has finally sprung, the allotment is now, at last, being tended to, seeds are being sown, tubers are being planted, beds are being dug and the puppies are, as always, being naughty little scamps of the naughty little scamp sort! As I write, Mr. McEllis Snr is dans le jardin, moving plants he shouldn't be moving, pruning plants he shouldn't be pruning and generally being just as much of a naughty scamp as his naughty little scamp puppies! However, to say that I am completely and utterly in love with all three naughty scamps would be an understatement, they bring me so much joy, happiness and love (apart from when the Husband is being a bolshy git!) that sometimes I could just burst - and not just from eating too many Liquorice Allsorts but that's another story.....Ooh, I want sweeties now!

Daddy, I taught I taw a Putty-tat!

A year ago last New Year's Eve we lit lanterns in the depths of France, south-west of Paris with our dear friends Sharon and Nick and on said lanterns we wrote ourselves a promise each. The promises were that within 5 years of that lantern launching into the crisp, French wintery sky we would have our own piece of France, "La Maison de McEllis". Of course, these promises were made before Max & Millie were in our lives, but coincidentally they were made a couple of months after their births - we were definitely meant to have these two little'uns. We are looking at finding a little place in or near Le Dorat, almost directly south of Paris, outside Limoges and very close to McEllis Snr's sister, the barking mad but lovely Pol (Sybil) and her loverrrrrrr, Col (Basil), where they have their own little B&B business (Fawlty Towers!). Click here to have a butcher's

Un petit chien is going to France!

So, to enable both Max & Millie to join us on holidays in the French countryside, we needed to organise their 'puppy passports'. Max's passport process was started almost as soon as we got him, however they're not cheap to say the least and so Millie's application has only just begun, hence her visit to the vet last week for her first jab and rabies blood test. Millie returns in a couple of weeks for further jabs/tests - the entire process takes approximately 6 months. While we were at the vet Max had his annual booster jab and both were extremely well behaved for a change!

I want this one!

Previously I've mentioned the issue with the local park/Rec and the ongoing discussions about it being turned into yet more cemetery. Well, those discussions are still ongoing, however now that the clocks have gone forward it doesn't shut until 7pm ish which means that the 'Kids' now get a good run around the cemetery and park, something they (and us) really enjoy. Let's hope the Council listen to reason and we don't lose a very valuable piece of green space in South East London. Petition signatures are being collected here and we would welcome any contributions from you lovely people... :-)

The 'Kids' enjoying the park

Thanks to our friend, Neil, the puppies have now entered the 21st Century and have their own 'QR Code'. For those of you that don't know what it is (I didn't have a clue quite honestly!!!), a QR Code is a matrix bar code and is readable by dedicated QR bar code and camera phone bar code apps.....yes, I thought it a bit of a mouthful and a tad gobbledy-gook too! If you have a bar code app on your phone, just zap the image below and it will take you to THIS fantastically cool and fab is that?!?!?! Please pass it around to anyone you think may be interested and most importantly, THANKS Neil!

M&M's QR Code - scan it and be amazed!

This afternoon we took Max & Millie to meet the gorgeous Kirsty aka Minje (Princess Minjeeta) because of a rather fun but messy Bollywood Party we once held at our previous residence in Marmora Road almost 8 years ago. Mr McEllis Snr was Smarmy Swarmi and I was Delhi was a night to be remembered and I wish I could remember it but I can't because I got so absolutely, dreadfully, awfully, embarrassingly drunk that I passed out and was 'hungover' for 3 days! The last words I uttered were a stumbling, mumbling, "I can't feel my legs"....the smell of Pimms is a permanent reminder of the evening to this day!

Millie, Minje & Max...

The extraordinarily talented Kirsty is putting on two plays at this year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival, both of which will be previewed in London in late July. One is a story about Strippers, called (I think) "Dances for Wolves" (forgive me Kirsty if I got that wrong!) and the other is called "On The Bench" about the world of the Premier Football League but with a twist. We all had a super afternoon at Kirsty's gaff, chatting, eating cucumber sarnies and chocolate cake and having a right good natter......we all agreed that we really don't see enough of each other! We walked to Kirsty's and back again with the Muttlies, which is about an hour each way. As I type, they're both flaked out on the sofa, cuddled up together, gently snoring.

McKenna does hardcore....seen on the way to Lewisham!

Today is also Mother's Day - as we walked to Lewisham this afternoon the streets were festooned with bouquet upon bouquet of pink arrangements outside Flower Shops, all waiting to be snapped up by eager, excited children and forgetful boyfriends, Husbands, Fathers and the like. I called my lovely Mum this morning and thankfully she had received the flowers I sent her, I just wish we could have spent the day with her, however we'll see her next month for a day or two after having seen the God Kids.

To Our Mums

As you know, we lost the gorgeous Mrs. Joyce Ellis earlier this year and so today had an odd feel to it almost as if we needed to avoid it but at the same time confront it head on if that makes any sense at all. I felt almost guilty calling my Mum and didn't really want John to hear me in case I upset him. Bizarre I know, but I didn't want to appear insensitive to the day and it's implication. And so, tonight we cracked open a bottle of Champers in honour of Mums here, there and everywhere, whether with us or dearly departed - Mums, we love you.

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