Saturday 5 February 2011

It's 2011!

Wonderful Readers, a HUGE thank you......we've smashed the 2000 hits barrier and as you can see, the last time I took a peek we were on 2011....appropriate or what!

Slowly but surely we're catching up with those pesky hens! 

As I type I see that the Girls are on 4786 hits......we can smash that, of course we can, so let's give it a go.....tell ALL your friends, family, colleagues, stalkers and anyone that will listen to come and have a butcher's at the puppies. Please don't hesitate to give the blog address to anyone that might be interested......(not that this is a competition at all!!!). To show that I am of good spirit, please click this link to take a look at The Girls (but don't tell too many people!).

Skunk is dead, long live Skunk!

Every time I go shopping I cannot resist getting Max & Millie a little treat, whether it's a toy each or foody titbits. While I was in Croydon last weekend I visited the Pet Shop and found mini Skunk and Raccoon ragger toys, similar to the large ones they got at Christmas from us. They love them and enjoy a good tug of war when they're playing. Literally, within minutes of getting the new toys they were destroyed, killed, no more, mort! Skunk took a particularly vicious attack however Raccoon wasn't safe and took a bit of a battering.

That poor Raccoon!

Miss Millie McEllis continues to develop and emerge from her shell. When she first arrived in August 2010 she was so shy, nervous and quiet. The same dog she is not! 

Millie - a poor little stray in August 2010

Millie has us round her little paw now and is so outgoing and happy, her little bum wagging nearly all the time, we're so very proud of her positive development, she's a little star and we wouldn't be without her, ever.

Our Beauty in January 2011

It goes without saying that because we got Maximillian Sydney Bruiser as a puppy, he has also changed...quite a lot really!!! When he came to us he was a tiny little thing, cute and adorable. 

Max - the cutest puppy EVER!

He's still cute and adorable, however he also has a personality now which borders on just plain naughty!!! However, he has the heart of a lion and is ready at a moment's notice to rush to the bottom of the garden and 'see off the pussy cats'.

Our handsome Lad

We've had Maximillian Sydney Bruiser McEllis for a year on 20th February which also means that the blog is now almost a year old. How time does indeed fly when you take on the responsibility of dog ownership! Every day has been filled with fun, happiness and love (and just a few tantrums from yours truly when the pups have 'killed' something or made a mess). But, be without them we would not be. 

Max & Millie - loved and adored beyond measure

To update you on my Hubby (is that a Hubdate?), he went to the Consultant at Kings College Hospital on Friday and finally, after some weeks, we have a's his spine, not his hip at all, which he has maintained all along. He has muscle spasms that have 'frozen' and hardened because our GP (who I now believe to be King of the Numpties) took so long to faff about and basically came up with nothing which in turn has just made my man worse. My old man now needs to take a muscle relaxant, i.e. Diazepam to assist the relaxing and therefore aid treatment. But, at least we now know what it is, rather than the GP just saying "I don't know" and pumping him full of even more drugs!

Hubby is on the mend

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