Saturday 1 January 2011

Welcome to 2011

The end of 2010 passed very gently in our home, what with the pair of us being in bed by 11.30pm and 2011's arrival was equally as quiet, if not a little fella has 'man flu' and has not been well for a few days. He has been ably looked after by yours truly (despite what he may say!) and is feeling a little better today. 

A cuddle from Milllie ALWAYS makes you feel better!

However, I have to say that having a guilty pleasure dinner of roast beef with horseradish sauce and home made chips (in the new deep fat fryer I bought him for Christmas) followed by Vienetta (memories!!!!) was MARVELLOUS....I was hoping for a bit more beef but he didn't really feel up to it *fnar fnar* so I lay in bed and watched the fireworks from the comfort and warmth of the duvet while he snored like a freight train and oozed germs from every pore.

An excellent area for bird watching and dog walking

After breakfast it was decided that we take the dogs for a good, long walk up at Sydenham Hill Wood. This would not only give the puppies some much needed exercise, but would also give my Man the opportunity to get some fresh air and to try and feel human again (a tall order by anyone's standards!). So, with wellies on and dogs on leads, we loaded ourselves into the car and off we went.

The Family - New Year's Day 2011

The place was heaving....not only with other dogs but also families dragging their children through the woods. Max and Millie, as always, had a wonderful time and met a number of other dogs. Bo, who appeared to be a very timid but cute little rescue Staffy and Lily, a Pug who was absolutely bonkers but enjoyed playing with Max, as he did with her.....obviously, they both got very muddy.....

Help. Me. Pleeeeeeease!

We got home and the pair of them were caked in mud so, what better way to start the new year than with a bath?! Apart from when the water goes over her face, I truly believe that Millie enjoys her bath, she stands there and lets you get on with it, knowing full well that when she gets out she'll get a well deserved treat and a fire to lie in front of.......Maximillian, on the other hand, is another story (surprise, surprise!!!).

How dirty is that dog?!?!?!

Max is not a fan of baths or getting wet at all for that matter. He doesn't like it and never has, however hard we try and make it a pleasurable experience for him. He HATES it.....I recall a certain little dog, halfway up Snowdon in September 2010 who sat there and wailed like a banshee because it was raining too hard for him....admittedly the rain was torrential and accompanied by a howling gale but that's not the point!

Pleeeeease don't bath me Dad, pleeeeease!

The transformation from Max in the bath to Max out of the bath and dried is extraordinary, they resemble two completely different dogs! Once out of the bath, Max can't wait for you to finish drying him so that he can dart around the house like a thing possessed, have his treat, attack and maul Millie and then collapse, happy and content in front of the fire or on Dad's lap, for a much needed nap!

The ordeal is over...

The first day of 2011 has so far been nothing short of lovely....we've had a lazy morning, a refreshing walk with 'the kids', bath-time followed by treats and a nap in front of the fire (I hope my bath-time goes the same way!!!). I'm off to clean out the hens which will probably be followed by me annoying my Husband (it would be a crime not to since I do it sooooo well and why change the daily routine I say!!!)....

Happy New Year One and All from All of Us.

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