Saturday 3 July 2010

Growing Up...(and now with added video!)

It's hard to believe that Maximillian Sydney Bruiser McEllis is already 8 months old! Yes, Ladies and Gentlebents, Max is growing up fast and what a handsome little man he is....just like Dad No. 1!

Max, the day he arrived - all floppy eared and full of cheek (still is!!!)

When he first arrived he could fit in the nook of your elbow and weighed less than 2 kilograms and back then he could fit inside his bed perfectly - he's now a little big for it and has his own personal sofa! Of course, being Max he is still rather small (a Guinea Pig could take him out!) but Max's personality more than makes up for his lack of stature, he's full of fun and cheekiness.

If you come to my house Uncle Mark, I will sit on you!

Max is always happiest when he's being given attention (aren't we all?!) and just loves it when we have company and he can be adored. Unlike his Dads (this may come as a shock to some of you!), Max is a Ladies Man, especially Aunty Kay who he is completely and utterly in puppy love with....and rightly so, it was of course Kay who rescued Max and brought him to us so she should of course have pride of place in Max's heart.

Yes, he rolled in poo again!!!!!!

Max's circle of friends at the Park continues to grow and we now have to deal with him speeding off to his new best friends and completely and utterly ignoring us. He has no fear whatsoever and it does worry me that one day we will find his little body inside the jaws of a much bigger, unfriendly beast of a dog, especially as there are so many 'bull breeds' in Sarf London (innit!). However, we can't expect him to not have a run around the Park so it's a case of keeping our beady eyes open.

Er, Dad....can I have a word about this blog please?!

When he's at the Park he plays with just about any dog, but he has an 'eye' for big dogs, he's completely obsessed with them. Little dogs he will play with, big dogs he just can't leave alone...he rally does think he's a German Shepherd! He also loves it up the allotment, it's probably one of his favourite places as he can just run off and do his own thing while we potter around, following fox scents and having a dig....he's in dog heaven up there!

The allotment....and Max

As you may have noticed, it's been blooming hot recently and Max has on occasion found it just a little too warm and takes particular pleasure from going in the garden of an evening and letting Dad No. 1 'get him' with the hose. It's very funny, Max 'pretends' that he's trying to escape the water but in fact comes running back for more!

Style to the Max!

And so, I will leave you with the view from my pillow very early this morning....the little bugger!!!!!!

Max, at 6.45am on a Saturday morning!!!!!!

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