Saturday 17 April 2010

Was there Life before Max???

Two months ago (how time flies when you're picking up poo!!!) a sad little rescue puppy from Sydenham came into our lives. He was a responsibility and obligation I was not  ready to accept and I gave my darling Husband a list of reasons why we couldn't and shouldn't have him - at work all day, the hens, holidays, etc.....the usual stuff.

Max is a proper sun worshipper

There are times, such as 2am this morning (the little bugger!!!!), when he is nothing short of really annoying and I am a stone's throw away from phoning Lewisham Animal Welfare and asking them to take him back, but then I see his furiously wagging tail and those cute puppy eyes staring at me and I melt and I wonder how I even thought I couldn't/wouldn't want him.

Max has a hard life!!!

Don't get me wrong, Max does have times when he is nothing short of naughty and both of us do give him a good ticking off (not that he takes any notice!!!) and I have to remind myself that he is receiving training rather than a telling's all a learning curve for him, after all he's only 6 months old.

Max 'testing' the Girls

With age comes experience and Max is finally (I cannot tell you how relieved I am) toilet trained and is using his dog flap on his own with no guidance/assistance from us, it's all on his own terms now and we couldn't be more happy and proud of him...I would however, prefer it if he didn't use the dog flap around 5:30am and then tap on the bedroom doors from the garden because he thinks we should be up to let him in rather than going back in through the kitchen!!!!


He is also absolutely trustworthy with The Girls now. I 'forgot' the other evening that he was out in the garden and when I remembered I rushed out and found him IN the chicken run with The Girls but not once did he try to harm them. He does get very excited when he wants to but they either ignore him or in Harriet's case, give him a whack on the head with her beak, Max soon learns his lesson. And that's another thing, he's very quick to pick things up and learn, he's a very intelligent little fella!


So, after maintaining that I didn't want him, that we couldn't and shouldn't have him, I must admit that I wouldn't, couldn't and won't be without him. I am very much in love with Maximillian (except in the early hours of the morning!!). He brings such energy, joy, happiness, unconditional love and the "waggiest" tail ever into our lives and for that I can only be grateful to my Husband for persevering  and knowing deep down that Max was, of course, the right decision.

Husband - Thank You from Both of Us! 

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