This weekend saw the departure of the Blue Tit chicks that hatched in the back garden. The parents were very attentive as their little brood left the nest box one by one. With much flapping of tiny ineffectual wings and noisy, nervous chirruping the brood were gone.....all but one. Alas, one little chap got left behind and was found on the ground hiding behind a plant pot by a very inquisitive Millie McEllis.
A Tit in the Hand......
She was very good, although had I not intervened she may well have pawed it into submission, and I picked the little fella up and placed him higher up near the nest box so he could call for Mum and Dad and they could see him. Me and the puppies sat, we waited and we watched.........Mum and Dad had left with the brood and did not return to check on the straggler. Sadly, he did not make it and he departed this life before he ever took flight with the light of the sun fading rapidly on the day of Rapture.
Little 'Bob'
Talking of tits, the Rapture would appear to have passed us by without so much as a squeak from the (uncomfortable) sandals of those who would have us believe that God's wrath was upon us and the end was nigh....Mr Camping (a fine name Sir, a fine name!) would appear to have egg on his face and a rather embarrassed look in his eye. Next time perhaps Mr Camping could bear in mind that God clearly tells us that no one knows the day or hour of the Rapture (apart from Debbie Harry perhaps), God makes no mistakes, he was Born This Way!
Don't Be A Drag, Just Be A Queen!
And that nicely brings us nicely to another hot currant bun of a subject, the fantastic, unstoppable Lady of GaGa. The new album, eagerly anticipated by millions of dedicated followers is out tomorrow and having heard it I think it's rather accomplished, a heady mix of 80s rock, most definitely drenched by Madonna influences and just a sprinkling of Dolly Parton-esque vocals. In this day and age of the almighty download, go for Bloody Mary, Born This Way and Government Hooker, all stand out tracks in their own right. In fact, every track could be a single, no filler all killer.
Let's not forget that we also have our very own Lady GaGa....Millie-Moo McPudling, who is as they say, completely GaGa!!! Since last time I blogged, you will be pleased to hear that I have cheered up much, my ranting, moaning and general 'mood lethargy' being replaced by a cheerful demeanour and a happy outlook (it won't last!). Millie is still requiring much in the way of training when she sees and meets other dogs. It is my dream that one day we will go for a walk and we will not have our arms pulled out of our sockets or listen to the howling banshee from Hell as she tries to reach the dog she's seen....or cat for that matter! However, I must remember that her background is a traumatic one and who knows what goes on inside her little GaGa mind....she is and always will be our little Lady and I hope that she also retains an element of GaGa-ness throughout her life.....
Miss Millie-Moo "GaGa' Pudling
If it couldn't be GaGa enough there's always Maximillian Sydney Bruiser to add that extra portion of complete and utter madness! The 2nd most important man in my life has grown up into a little star. He is perfect, he's adorable, he's a loyal little chap and full to bursting of energy, fun and unconditional love. He is a joy and a pleasure to have around, apart from first thing in the morning when I am trying to sleep and he thrusts a tennis ball in my face and wants to play. At that moment, he is not perfect, adorable or fun. At. All. ! Max is going to be absolutely fit to bursting tonight as his Aunty Kay is coming for dinner with Uncle Jim.....he will POP with apoplexy! Methinks some updated pictures of the 'Kids' with Aunty Kay may be on the agenda.....
Remember to enjoy this week's musical treat at the top of the's a summery, dancey little number so press 'play', turn it up and shake your hips to the music...maybe next week I'll "treat" you all to some GaGa. OK, that's your lot folks, I really do need to go and check on my Husband who is in the garden unsupervised, who knows what mischief he's getting up to out there without me to keep an eye on him!!!
Tits would appear to be this week's theme.....!!!